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The mysterious crystal skull came from Denver

Brief by Central Staff

Local Lore – January 1997 – Colorado Central Magazine

Back in February of 1995, Moffat rancher Donna Koch found a glass skull, about 6½ inches high, while riding the fence line.

The “Crystal Skull” inspired fervor among certain of the New Age faithful in and around Crestone. A “full-moon gathering” attracted people from as far away as Minnesota, and one person sat with the skull for eight days, reporting that she channeled considerable cosmic information thereby.

Origin theories abounded, with Arcturians and Lemurians heard most often.

Now the Crestone Eagle reports that the mystery is solved. The skull was crafted by Brad Chadez of Blake Street Glass Co. in Denver.

He makes glass skulls to sell at El Dia de los Muertos festivals in New Mexico. This one was a second, he was visiting his parents’ property next to the Koch ranch, and they used the skull to mark a property corner.

Writing in the Eagle, Christopher O’Brien observed that “Perhaps if enough people think something is magical … then maybe a mundane object can become magical.”