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Earth Day Dialogue, 1996

Poem by Jude Jannet

Environment – November 2001 – Colorado Central Magazine

Earth Day Dialogue, 1996

Said I do this for love of my mother.

Ah, but does she really love me,

you ask. Thought maybe

I was speaking of one particular

human, did you, the one we

blame all our troubles on?

Seems to me,

we all come from the same mother

big enough to birth every livin’ one

of us. We are all kin.

Does my mother love me?

I answer with a willow tree

a dozen tiny blades of grass,

a daffodil, and still you ask,

but does she love you?

Ah, yes, I say I feel it

on a rainy day, her

tears falling on my cheeks

her harsh winds shaking

my windows. At night she

tells me stories, carries me off

sometimes when I’m lost

in my own misery and madness

kisses me all over, plays

with my hair and chases me inside.

I dare not take for granted her wind breath

or the fruit of her belly that feeds me

cycle after cycle, her lush tree hair

that sweeps along the sky clearing

the poison of our own breath, her

fresh fragrance reminding me of

how to be a lover and make babies

her heart beat drumming up fire

in my womb. Do you still wonder

does she love you?

We are bone of her bones

and will be even in death, she

is the mother and I love her.

Copyright © 1997 by Jude Jannet. All rights reserved.