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Another blip along the way

Letter from Charlie Green

Cynicism – July 2003 – Colorado Central Magazine


Most of this letter is in response to Slim Wolfe’s letter in the June issue.

His letter oozed cynicism and defeatist prose. While the current epoch seems like a runaway roller coaster, it really isn’t much different from other historical periods. The biggest difference is that our rate of change is so much faster (and our weapons so much stronger). The Roman Empire lasted for centuries, largely due to the time it took to get anything done on that scale in those days. The “great” empires of history — Charlemagne, Ottoman, Portuguese (remember them?), British, etc. — have lasted for shorter and shorter periods of time as technology advances.

The curve of human technology is not only moving upward but moving upward at an increasing rate. Commonly referred to as an exponential curve, the limit for its increase is somewhere around infinity for a rate of increase of the upward part. And the technological knowledge is in the possession of no particular nation. The USA has tried to maintain its superiority but, even without the internet, that is an impossible task. Knowledge seems to be no respecter of nationality.

So the whole world is on the fast track to … something. Our efforts as a government (hardly as a nation as we are dragged along whining all the way) at empire building will crumble as history overtakes us. The “neocons” in the Bush White House cannot make the world take a giant step backward to the 19th century. Nor can the Mullahs of the Muslim world. For better or for worse, we are all bound for a common destiny. I only wish Carl Sagan could be around to enjoy the spectacle!

Their moment of “glory” may only last a year or two, however. Iraqi oil cannot sustain the cost of a modern empire. Even if Iran “contributes” their share under the junior shah. For any weapon invented, a countermeasure has always been created so our superiority of weaponry cannot last. And nothing can beat a populace determined to not be subjugated. A long war of attrition will discourage any empire builder … eventually.

So, Slim, look at this as another blip in the course of history. Eventually, this madness will end. One way or another. And certainly by 2012 when this era ends by both the Mayan calendar and the exponential curve forecasts.

Waiting for the next era in Texas Creek

Charlie Green