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One-act plays sought for Crystal Mountain contest

Brief by Central Staff

Local Drama – March 2002 – Colorado Central Magazine

If you live or study in Colorado, you’re eligible to enter the fourth annual one-act play competition sponsored by the Crystal Mountain Center for the Performing Arts in Westcliffe.

The contest is called “New Colorado Voices 2002,” and five one-act plays will be recognized. The top two will be produced on stage at the Jones Theater on Aug. 16 and 17, and their playwrights will receive $200 cash prizes. Three other plays will receive honorable mentions.

Plays will be accepted from writers who reside in Colorado or who attend an educational institution in Colorado, and the deadline is April 5.

Submissions should be sent to New Colorado Voices 2002, c/o Custer County Library, 209 Main St., Westcliffe CO 81252.

Submissions must include:

— Five copies of a cover letter with a summary of the author’s experience and goals, along with contact information.

— Five copies of a one-page synopsis of each play submitted.

— Five copies of each play.

— Self-addressed, stamped envelope if you want your submission returned.

Plays with a maximum cast of eight characters, and which can be produced with only one set, will be given preference. Another plus is the presence of both adult and youth characters, since Crystal Mountain sponsors youth drama workshops in the summer.

For more information, contact Will Sibbald at, 228-466-4774, or check out the website at