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If you dress for a shower, will rain fall from the sky?

Brief by Central Staff

Drought – February 2003 – Colorado Central Magazin

If you dress for a shower, then water might fall from the sky?

As our drought progresses, we’ve read about all manner of proposed remedies, ranging from cloud-seeding to water restrictions.

Southern Australia is also suffering from drought, but they’re trying a different approach. To quote from a Dec. 5, 2002, Reuters dispatch:

“Inspired by a Nepalese drought-breaking tradition, the women from Ouyen in the far northwest of Victoria state will carry out a naked rain dance in the barren outback in early March, just ahead of the planting season for the next crop.”

Lynn Healey, the organizer, said that unexpected publicity means the rain dance will likely attract many more than the 200 women originally expected.

But there won’t be full media coverage, she said. “It’ll be totally nude, hence no cameras.”

So if our drought-breaking efforts don’t work, there’s another approach — although we suspect that the organizers might run into some trouble hereabouts.