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Executives want their money (and their country) back

Brief by Central Staff

War – February 2003 – Colorado Central Magazine

Executives want their money (and country) back

In our December edition, we told you about locals protesting the war in association with a national peace protest that can be found on the web at But now there’s another anti-war movement — one that we only wish we were qualified for — Business Leaders for Sensible Priorities.

In the January 14 Wall Street Journal, CEOS and chairman of major corporations, and other presumably really, really rich citizens signed an ad reading:

“To President Bush, his advisors and the American People:

Let’s be clear: We supported the Gulf War.

We supported our intervention in Afghanistan.

We accept the logic of a just war.

But Mr. President, your war on Iraq does not pass the test. It is not a just war.

The candidate we supported in 2000 promised a more humble nation in our dealings with the world. We gave him our votes and our campaign contributions.

That candidate was you. We feel betrayed. We want our money back. We want our country back.

… How many young American lives will be lost in this dubious war? How many innocent Iraqis will be killed and maimed and made homeless?…

Among the one billion Muslims in the world there is now a steady trickle of recruits going to Al Qaeda. You will turn the trickle into a torrent. A billion bitter enemies will rise out of this war.”

And the protest goes on. To find out more about this anti-war effort you can check, a site connected with Ben of Ben and Jerry’s. And another related website — — features artists against the war and includes signatures by many of Hollywood’s best known stars.